Notice: Undefined variable: HTTP_REFERER in /home/phu9543/ on line 3

Notice: Use of undefined constant NAME - assumed 'NAME' in /home/phu9543/ on line 11

Notice: Use of undefined constant ITVAR - assumed 'ITVAR' in /home/phu9543/ on line 12

Notice: Use of undefined constant NAME - assumed 'NAME' in /home/phu9543/ on line 11

Notice: Use of undefined constant ITVAR - assumed 'ITVAR' in /home/phu9543/ on line 12

Notice: Use of undefined constant NAME - assumed 'NAME' in /home/phu9543/ on line 11

Notice: Use of undefined constant ITVAR - assumed 'ITVAR' in /home/phu9543/ on line 12

Notice: Use of undefined constant NAME - assumed 'NAME' in /home/phu9543/ on line 11

Notice: Use of undefined constant ITVAR - assumed 'ITVAR' in /home/phu9543/ on line 12

Notice: Use of undefined constant NAME - assumed 'NAME' in /home/phu9543/ on line 11

Notice: Use of undefined constant ITVAR - assumed 'ITVAR' in /home/phu9543/ on line 12

Notice: Use of undefined constant NAME - assumed 'NAME' in /home/phu9543/ on line 11

Notice: Use of undefined constant ITVAR - assumed 'ITVAR' in /home/phu9543/ on line 12

Notice: Use of undefined constant NAME - assumed 'NAME' in /home/phu9543/ on line 11

Notice: Use of undefined constant ITVAR - assumed 'ITVAR' in /home/phu9543/ on line 12

Notice: Use of undefined constant NAME - assumed 'NAME' in /home/phu9543/ on line 11

Notice: Use of undefined constant ITVAR - assumed 'ITVAR' in /home/phu9543/ on line 12

Notice: Use of undefined constant NAME - assumed 'NAME' in /home/phu9543/ on line 11

Notice: Use of undefined constant ITVAR - assumed 'ITVAR' in /home/phu9543/ on line 12

Notice: Use of undefined constant NAME - assumed 'NAME' in /home/phu9543/ on line 11

Notice: Use of undefined constant ITVAR - assumed 'ITVAR' in /home/phu9543/ on line 12

Notice: Use of undefined constant NAME - assumed 'NAME' in /home/phu9543/ on line 11

Notice: Use of undefined constant ITVAR - assumed 'ITVAR' in /home/phu9543/ on line 12

Notice: Use of undefined constant NAME - assumed 'NAME' in /home/phu9543/ on line 11

Notice: Use of undefined constant ITVAR - assumed 'ITVAR' in /home/phu9543/ on line 12

Notice: Use of undefined constant NAME - assumed 'NAME' in /home/phu9543/ on line 11

Notice: Use of undefined constant ITVAR - assumed 'ITVAR' in /home/phu9543/ on line 12

Notice: Use of undefined constant NAME - assumed 'NAME' in /home/phu9543/ on line 11

Notice: Use of undefined constant ITVAR - assumed 'ITVAR' in /home/phu9543/ on line 12

Notice: Use of undefined constant NAME - assumed 'NAME' in /home/phu9543/ on line 11

Notice: Use of undefined constant ITVAR - assumed 'ITVAR' in /home/phu9543/ on line 12

Notice: Use of undefined constant NAME - assumed 'NAME' in /home/phu9543/ on line 11

Notice: Use of undefined constant ITVAR - assumed 'ITVAR' in /home/phu9543/ on line 12

Notice: Use of undefined constant NAME - assumed 'NAME' in /home/phu9543/ on line 11

Notice: Use of undefined constant ITVAR - assumed 'ITVAR' in /home/phu9543/ on line 12

Notice: Use of undefined constant NAME - assumed 'NAME' in /home/phu9543/ on line 11

Notice: Use of undefined constant ITVAR - assumed 'ITVAR' in /home/phu9543/ on line 12

Notice: Use of undefined constant NAME - assumed 'NAME' in /home/phu9543/ on line 11

Notice: Use of undefined constant ITVAR - assumed 'ITVAR' in /home/phu9543/ on line 12

Notice: Use of undefined constant NAME - assumed 'NAME' in /home/phu9543/ on line 11

Notice: Use of undefined constant ITVAR - assumed 'ITVAR' in /home/phu9543/ on line 12

Notice: Use of undefined constant NAME - assumed 'NAME' in /home/phu9543/ on line 11

Notice: Use of undefined constant ITVAR - assumed 'ITVAR' in /home/phu9543/ on line 12

Notice: Use of undefined constant NAME - assumed 'NAME' in /home/phu9543/ on line 11

Notice: Use of undefined constant ITVAR - assumed 'ITVAR' in /home/phu9543/ on line 12

Notice: Use of undefined constant NAME - assumed 'NAME' in /home/phu9543/ on line 11

Notice: Use of undefined constant ITVAR - assumed 'ITVAR' in /home/phu9543/ on line 12

Notice: Use of undefined constant NAME - assumed 'NAME' in /home/phu9543/ on line 11

Notice: Use of undefined constant ITVAR - assumed 'ITVAR' in /home/phu9543/ on line 12

Notice: Use of undefined constant NAME - assumed 'NAME' in /home/phu9543/ on line 11

Notice: Use of undefined constant ITVAR - assumed 'ITVAR' in /home/phu9543/ on line 12

Notice: Use of undefined constant NAME - assumed 'NAME' in /home/phu9543/ on line 11

Notice: Use of undefined constant ITVAR - assumed 'ITVAR' in /home/phu9543/ on line 12

Notice: Use of undefined constant NAME - assumed 'NAME' in /home/phu9543/ on line 11

Notice: Use of undefined constant ITVAR - assumed 'ITVAR' in /home/phu9543/ on line 12

Notice: Use of undefined constant NAME - assumed 'NAME' in /home/phu9543/ on line 11

Notice: Use of undefined constant ITVAR - assumed 'ITVAR' in /home/phu9543/ on line 12

Notice: Use of undefined constant NAME - assumed 'NAME' in /home/phu9543/ on line 11

Notice: Use of undefined constant ITVAR - assumed 'ITVAR' in /home/phu9543/ on line 12

Notice: Use of undefined constant NAME - assumed 'NAME' in /home/phu9543/ on line 11

Notice: Use of undefined constant ITVAR - assumed 'ITVAR' in /home/phu9543/ on line 12

Notice: Use of undefined constant NAME - assumed 'NAME' in /home/phu9543/ on line 11

Notice: Use of undefined constant ITVAR - assumed 'ITVAR' in /home/phu9543/ on line 12

Notice: Use of undefined constant NAME - assumed 'NAME' in /home/phu9543/ on line 11

Notice: Use of undefined constant ITVAR - assumed 'ITVAR' in /home/phu9543/ on line 12

Notice: Use of undefined constant NAME - assumed 'NAME' in /home/phu9543/ on line 11

Notice: Use of undefined constant ITVAR - assumed 'ITVAR' in /home/phu9543/ on line 12

Notice: Use of undefined constant NAME - assumed 'NAME' in /home/phu9543/ on line 11

Notice: Use of undefined constant ITVAR - assumed 'ITVAR' in /home/phu9543/ on line 12

Notice: Use of undefined constant NAME - assumed 'NAME' in /home/phu9543/ on line 11

Notice: Use of undefined constant ITVAR - assumed 'ITVAR' in /home/phu9543/ on line 12

Notice: Use of undefined constant воскресенье - assumed 'воскресенье' in /home/phu9543/ on line 44

Notice: Use of undefined constant понедельник - assumed 'понедельник' in /home/phu9543/ on line 44

Notice: Use of undefined constant вторник - assumed 'вторник' in /home/phu9543/ on line 44

Notice: Use of undefined constant среда - assumed 'среда' in /home/phu9543/ on line 44

Notice: Use of undefined constant четверг - assumed 'четверг' in /home/phu9543/ on line 44

Notice: Use of undefined constant пятница - assumed 'пятница' in /home/phu9543/ on line 44

Notice: Use of undefined constant суббота - assumed 'суббота' in /home/phu9543/ on line 44

Notice: Use of undefined constant января - assumed 'января' in /home/phu9543/ on line 45

Notice: Use of undefined constant февраля - assumed 'февраля' in /home/phu9543/ on line 45

Notice: Use of undefined constant марта - assumed 'марта' in /home/phu9543/ on line 45

Notice: Use of undefined constant апреля - assumed 'апреля' in /home/phu9543/ on line 45

Notice: Use of undefined constant мая - assumed 'мая' in /home/phu9543/ on line 45

Notice: Use of undefined constant июня - assumed 'июня' in /home/phu9543/ on line 45

Notice: Use of undefined constant июля - assumed 'июля' in /home/phu9543/ on line 45

Notice: Use of undefined constant августа - assumed 'августа' in /home/phu9543/ on line 45

Notice: Use of undefined constant сентября - assumed 'сентября' in /home/phu9543/ on line 45

Notice: Use of undefined constant октября - assumed 'октября' in /home/phu9543/ on line 45

Notice: Use of undefined constant ноября - assumed 'ноября' in /home/phu9543/ on line 45

Notice: Use of undefined constant декабря - assumed 'декабря' in /home/phu9543/ on line 45

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/phu9543/ in /home/phu9543/ on line 58

Notice: Undefined variable: action in /home/phu9543/ on line 4

Notice: Use of undefined constant ID - assumed 'ID' in /home/phu9543/ on line 111

Notice: Use of undefined constant RAZDEL - assumed 'RAZDEL' in /home/phu9543/ on line 112

Notice: Use of undefined constant GROUP_NAME - assumed 'GROUP_NAME' in /home/phu9543/ on line 114

Notice: Use of undefined constant TITLE - assumed 'TITLE' in /home/phu9543/ on line 115

Notice: Use of undefined constant CONTACT - assumed 'CONTACT' in /home/phu9543/ on line 116

Notice: Use of undefined constant DATE_ADD - assumed 'DATE_ADD' in /home/phu9543/ on line 117

Notice: Use of undefined constant TEXT - assumed 'TEXT' in /home/phu9543/ on line 118

Notice: Use of undefined constant SHOWS - assumed 'SHOWS' in /home/phu9543/ on line 119
МИР ИСТИНЫ | Мята и ее свойства | Будь Здоров! (Религия, медитация, эзотерика, магия, йога, уфология, психология, философия)
ДОБАВИТЬ САЙТ | В избранное | Сделать стартовой | Контакты

Notice: Use of undefined constant no - assumed 'no' in /home/phu9543/ on line 169

Notice: Use of undefined constant ID - assumed 'ID' in /home/phu9543/ on line 400

Notice: Use of undefined constant CAT_ID - assumed 'CAT_ID' in /home/phu9543/ on line 401

Notice: Use of undefined constant IMG_SRC - assumed 'IMG_SRC' in /home/phu9543/ on line 402

Notice: Use of undefined constant GRAPH - assumed 'GRAPH' in /home/phu9543/ on line 405

Notice: Undefined variable: rekl_alt in /home/phu9543/ on line 410





Notice: Use of undefined constant yes - assumed 'yes' in /home/phu9543/ on line 280

Notice: Use of undefined constant ID - assumed 'ID' in /home/phu9543/ on line 400

Notice: Use of undefined constant CAT_ID - assumed 'CAT_ID' in /home/phu9543/ on line 401

Notice: Use of undefined constant IMG_SRC - assumed 'IMG_SRC' in /home/phu9543/ on line 402

Notice: Use of undefined constant GRAPH - assumed 'GRAPH' in /home/phu9543/ on line 405

Notice: Undefined variable: rekl_alt in /home/phu9543/ on line 410

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  • Вернуться в раздел "Ислам"

    Мята и ее свойства

    Мята устраняет тошноту, помогает пищеварению, полезна при заболеваниях печени, нервном возбуждении.
    Ментол входит в состав различных лекарств, в частности, валидола, как легкое сосудорасширяющее средство (особенно при стенокардии и головных болях).
    Листья мяты включают в состав ветрогонных, потогонных и других чаев.

    Мед, собранный пчелами с цветков мяты - янтарный, приятного вкуса, ароматный, чуть холодящий.
    Настой листьев при расстройствах нервной системы: 5 г листьев заварить 200 мл кипятка, дать настояться в течении часа. Принимать по 1/2—1/3 стакана 2—3 раза в день за 15 минут до еды, добавить столовую ложку меда.

    Ванны из отвара листьев при дерматитах, экземе (наружное).
    50 грамм листа на 1 ведро воды. Для обмывания пораженных участков кожи.

    Мята и ее свойства

    Дата добавления: 20 декабря 2013 г. 13:47:28


    Слова мудрых — как иглы и как вбитые гвозди. Ветхий Завет. Екклесиаст
    Мысли и высказывания
    Великих и разных ))

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